MyNeckbeard Bot User Guide

Product Overview

MyNeckbeard is a task tracking tool in the form of an interactive chatbot with the persona of a disgusting filthy neckbeard. MyNeckbeard operates on a command line basis and is appealing to anyone who wishes to organise their tasks in an easy to use manner!

Product Interface

Features present

Feature 1 - Create Tasks

Users are able to create three types of tasks

These tasks will be recorded and stored in MyNeckbeard’s database

Feature 2 - Update Tasks

Users are able to update the status of their task by marking their tasks as completed, and view which ones are complete [✓] and incomplete [✗]. Also allows for tagging of tasks with a specific tag name

Feature 3 - Delete Tasks

Users are able to remove tasks from MyNeckbeard as required.

Feature 4 - Find Tasks

Users are able to search for specific task titles using a keyword. Relevant tasks will be displayed to the user.

Feature 5 - Read Tasks

Users are able to view all their current tasks in MyNeckbeard’s database. MyNeckbeard will display the type of tasks present, completion progress and description.


Create Tasks

Command Purpose Example
todo A simple todo task is created todo (name of task)
event An event task is created with details of location event (name of task) /at (details)
deadline A deadline task is created with details of due date deadline (name of task) /by (YYYY-MM-dd)
list Displays all tasks in the database list
done Marks specific task as complete done (integer value)
delete Deletes specific task from database delete (integer value)
tag Tags a task with a specific tag name tag (integer value) (keyword)
find Finds all tasks with specified keyword find (keyword)
bye Closes application window bye